I would like to see the program before I register. Can I do that?

Program tours prior to registration are currently suspended. We will provide an in-person welcome tour to families with a confirmed space.

Does my child have to be potty trained to attend Wild Heart?

No! However, with COVID-19 guidelines the “Gotta get there right now!!” access to the bathroom is limited. Children will need to be completely potty trained (they can “hold it” for 30 minutes) or attend in diapers/pull-ups.

If I have a child in the program do I get priority when registering for the following year or registering another child in the program?

Yes, if you are re-enrolling for the following year you are given priority access to the program. The earlier you register the more likely you are to get the day(s) you request. If you already have a child in the program and would like to register another child, you are given priority access over new families.

Who is allowed to pick up/drop off my child at Wild Heart?

Anyone who you would like to pick up your child from WHCC must be stated on your vital information form. We are limiting foot traffic in the building; please limit the people dropping off/picking up your child to your family cohort and when possible have the person who dropped off also pick up. ALL people entering the building must complete a health screen before doing so.

How are your educators certified and trained?

We have a highly educated crew! All educators hold a level 2 or 3 child care certification. We engage in ongoing development as a crew, we have meetings twice per month on a Monday evening and 5 Professional Development days per year.

How do you plan the curriculum?

We plan curriculum emergently, based on our observations of children. We reflect, brainstorm and plan next activities every 3 - 4 weeks.

How do you respond to children’s behaviour such as biting? Name calling?

We take a proactive approach to child guidance. We are committed to providing emotionally regulated environments, ensuring that children have opportunities to have bursts of energy and opportunities to rest.

How much outdoor time do children have? In what weather do you go outside?

We go outside daily, provided the weather is not hazardous (we cannot go out below -20 C or when there is lightning and thunder). How long we stay outdoors depends on many variables (weather, children’s age, how far we are adventuring, access to bathrooms, etc), and can range from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Do children need to nap and eat at the same time as each other?

Care needs are individualized as much as possible while ensuring we can meet needs of the total group. Children are not required to nap if they no longer require it! Our typical nap time in the youngest classrooms is from 1 pm - 3 pm. Some of our infants need a second, shorter nap in the morning.

Is screen time part of the children's day?

We do not use screens frequently in the program. They are used as an intentional part of the curriculum (like showing a video clip of a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis in the Spring).

How do you support parents and children saying goodbye to each other?

It is important to have this routine be as predictable and consistent as possible for children and parents! We encourage families to drop off the same way every day (even when a child is upset), because this helps create predictability and communicates to the child that educators are safe and can meet their needs. We acknowledge children’s upset, and offer AND language, e.g., “It is okay to be sad when you say goodbye to daddy AND, why don’t we have some fun painting with your classmates?”

Who provides meals?

All meals and snacks are provided by families.

Who provides diapers and wipes?

Diapers are provided by families; wipes are provided by Wild Heart.

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