Registration & Fees

Annual Registration

We are an annually registered program, an organizational choice geared towards offering flexibility and responsiveness to families’ evolving needs. Our current families receive the registration form for the upcoming year first (typically in February), and choose the option that works best for their lives in the upcoming year! After we understand the needs of our current families, we open up registration to new families.

The 2025/26 program is full, and our waitlist is closed.

Join the 2026/27 Open House Notification List

Flexible Programming

The introduction of new funding models, families returning to in-person work, availability of classroom space, a need for educator workspace, a desire to return to our program roots, etc. all played into the design of the 2025/26 program. We are pleased to once again offer greater flexible care options. 

New this year: The Thursday club! This is a place for children in grades 1 to 6 who don’t need regular before and after school care, but just a great place to be on early dismissal day. The club runs from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm. Children will have a 30-minute outdoor play break, snack, and then participate in projects such as stop-motion animation, clay studio, and science explorations. 

Learn More

Parent Fees

Parent fees are calculated as follows:

cost of care - affordability grant (if applicable) - child care subsidy (if applicable) = parent fee.

Affordability Grant Information:

  • Available to all Albertans with children 0 months to those in half-day kindergarten, regardless of income
  • Funding is connected to age range, not classroom groupings
  • Funding is based on hours available in a registered program
  • Part-time: attends 50 to 99 hours per month
  • Full-time: attends 100 hours or more per month
  • No application is necessary

Child Care Subsidy:

  • Available to Albertans with children in grades 1 to 6 whose income is below $90,000
  • Funding is based on hours of attendance
  • Parent application required:

Have Questions? See Our FAQ